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Ways of working

What does the studying with us look like?

1. Setting a goal

Fill out the placement form and book a video call with a mentor. He will answer your questions and you’ll both agree on what direction you should take in your learning.

2. The learning process

After deciding to learn, you start individual face-to-face meetings with your mentor, working with the provided materials, projects and homework. All of it takes place on our own platform.

3. We emphasize the mentee’s potential

We will constantly adjust the learning materials you receive to your current level of knowledge so that you feel that you’re at any given time using your full potential and learning abilities.

4. Daily and earnest development

Our learning materials are hard and demanding so you will need to be diligent and commit the necessary amount of time to learn. That’s the only way to master programming.

5. Working with a mentor

You work during the time of your choosing under the eye of your mentor. He’ll provide the motivation, the Code Review and help should you need any concept more thoroughly explained.

6. Control over the progress

We gradually increase the difficulty level to a point where you’re skilled enough to get involved professionally with commercial programming projects. We won’t skip over any topic – the mentor will always ensure you have a thorough understanding of a topic before you move on to the next one.

7. Programming is not for everyone...

Our work is based on consecutive iterations. If at any point you feel that coding is not your cup of tea, you can always stop at the end of your current interval and not prolong your cooperation with the mentor for another one.

8. Hard work pays off

Know this – it’s not going to be a piece of cake. We’re able to train you and build both your knowledge and your recognizability in the coding market from the ground up. You will however need to commit many months to learning and developing the necessary skills.

1. Ustalenie celu

Wypełnij formularz umiejętności i umów się na wideokonferencję z mentorem. Odpowie on na Twoje pytania i wspólnie ustalicie właściwy kierunek nauki.

2. Przebieg pracy

Po zdecydowaniu się na naukę, rozpoczynasz indywidualne spotkania face-to-face z mentorem, pracę z materiałami, projektami oraz zadaniami. Wszystko to odbywa się na Naszej własnej platformie.

3. Stawiamy na potencjał ucznia

Materiał na bieżąco dostosowujemy pod Ciebie. Tak, abyś czuł, że maksymalnie wykorzystujesz swój potencjał i możliwości do nauki.

4. Codzienny i sumienny rozwój

Nasze materiały są trudne i wymagające. Dlatego będziesz musiał sumiennie przeznaczać wyznaczoną ilość godzin na naukę. Tylko w ten sposób nauczysz się programowania.

5. Praca z mentorem

Pracujesz o dowolnych porach pod nadzorem mentora. Mentor to Twój motywator, Code Reviewer i nauczyciel mogący wytłumaczyć Ci dowolne zagadnienie.

6. Kontrola postępu

Stopniowo zwiększamy poziom trudności – abyś po czasie był gotowy podjąć pracę przy profesjonalnych projektach programistycznych. Nie przejdziemy dalej z materiałem, dopóki mentor nie będzie miał pewności, że w pełni zrozumiałeś dane zagadnienie.

7. Programowanie nie jest dla wszystkich…

Pracujemy na zasadzie kolejnych iteracji. Jeżeli stwierdzisz z mentorem, że programowanie nie jest jednak dla Ciebie, będziesz mógł w dowolnym momencie zrezygnować z nauki.

8. Ciężka praca popłaca

Wiedz jedno – to będzie trudna przeprawa. Jesteśmy w stanie wyszkolić Cię od zera i od podstaw zbudować Twoją rozpoznawalność na rynku programistów. Konieczne jednak będzie poświęcenie wielu miesięcy na ciągły rozwój i naukę.

How do we prepare you for the first IT job?

Intensive mentoring.

Learning pace and materials tailored to the mentee’s needs.

Constant and periodic project development and progress monitoring.

Developing our internal project alongside other mentees utilizing the SCRUM methodology.

Finding our mentees jobs – we provide coder outsourcing as our secondary brand


Way of working

What’s it like to receive mentoring?

In short, the mentor focuses on constantly adjusting the training material to your needs. They concentrate their efforts on the most troublesome and demanding concepts, perform Code Review and from the very start, groom you to become a future IT expert and to join the industry. As for the specifics – the face-to-face mentoring meetings take place weekly and last about one hour. During these meetings, the mentor introduces new concepts and outlines a plan for another week of intensive learning. One month on any path consists of four face-to-face meetings. Outside of those, you will work with the training materials and homework we provide you. If you get stuck or if you feel like you need your mentor’s help, he or she will be available to you on our training platform.

When can I start working with you guys?

We accept new mentees on any day of the month, provided our mentors’ calendars allow us to do that. It mostly depends on when you feel you’re ready to start learning.

Are there any exams/projects aimed at assessing my current skills?

Yes, you will develop projects summarizing certain topics under the watchful eye of your mentor. They are mainly projects imitating real-life solutions, aimed at solving real-life problems and so perfectly viable for an effective programming portfolio. We’re yet to find real merit in taking exams, especially considering our mentors closely monitor your progress and adjust the pacing to your - the mentee’s - individual needs.

How many hours do I have to put in weekly for the learning to be effective?

Theoretically, the more time you commit to your goal the better. Realistically though, committing 1.5-2 hours daily is probably the best way to go. We believe it’s not necessarily the quantity, but rather the quality of learning and the diligence that make all the difference.

How long will it take me to get a job? How long does the mentoring take?

The mentoring itself does not have a time limit – you can think of it as a monthly subscription and we can commit as many months as you need to be able to attain your goals. This way there’s really no way for you to conclude your learning unprepared and not ready to find a coding job. You’ll need to work hard though and show us your commitment by completing your assignments and projects in a diligent and timely manner. Assuming they meet these expectations and assuming they’re new to programming, our mentees take anywhere between 8 and 12 months on average to find their first programming job (the 4-month disparity stems from different ability and time commitment levels).

How is mentoring financed?

We accept your payment in advance every month we work together. The amount depends on the path you choose for yourself.

Should I do any preparation before starting the mentoring?

No, it’s not necessary. Upon assessing the mentee’s knowledge level during the first meeting, the mentor adjusts their approach to their individual needs and skills.

What if, at some point I need a break from the learning?

It’s not a problem for us at all. We only ask you to let your mentor or our mentee assistant know that you need a break. Get your energy back up and come back once you feel you’re ready to do some good hard work again – we’re not going anywhere.

What kind of learning materials do we use?

We have our own, original training materials along with links to proven and valuable external resources. The mentoring is therefore not limited to a single source of knowledge – we will make sure that your education is multi-faceted and thorough. The same goes for the homework our mentors assign – the difficulty will be adjusted such that it will challenge you in all the right ways.


How skilled at coding do I have to be to start my mentoring?

We have zero starting knowledge requirements. Many of our mentees have started from scratch so if you’re completely green we can not only provide education but also market-related guidance.

What other skills aside from programming should I have?

Because many of our successful pupils become professional programmers which we in turn lease to our corporate clients, we do appreciate soft skills like openness in communication and teamwork as well. Aside from that, you’ll need to be fluent in reading English to be able to handle reviewing documentation or cooperating with English-speaking clients.

How can I polish my English? (if I am a foreigner)

We partner with an excellent language school, whose teachers can help you develop your English, prepare you for interviews or get you familiarized with the foreign job market.

What does the process of building a portfolio look like?

The projects for your portfolio you’ll execute by yourself and also by cooperating with other mentees whose level of coding skills will be similar to your own. Each activity will be unique – we don’t really believe in templates. Instead, we want your repositories to be full of original ideas.

How will I learn to work according to SCRUM?

During mentoring we commit an appropriate amount of time to familiarizing our students with the Agile approach and SCRUM methodology. Towards the end of your course, right before they start looking for your first job, the mentee is involved with one of our internal projects alongside other students and under the watchful eye of a Product Owner. They work according to the SCRUM spirit and learn what a real process of software delivery looks like.


What does the post-mentoring job search look like?

Aside from mentoring, we also work as a Software House. We act as an intermediary between our mentees and our clients and so hiring you and leasing you out to one of them is one of our primary goals when teaching you.
Lastly, we offer recommendations for graduates to selected companies (where some of our mentors work) or preparation for job interviews which we source from popular hiring portals like

What companies do you partner with?

They’re companies operating both domestically (in Poland) and abroad. We create software solutions for a wide range of industries – banking, healthcare, IoT and more.

What level will my coding skills be at after the mentoring?

The mentees we release into the job market can easily be categorized as having Junior+ or even Mid skill levels (after they’ve been involved with our internal projects).
